Josephson p-Contact in the MoRe—Ni2MnGa—I—Pb/Sn Structure / Rudenko, E. M., Korotash, I. V., Krakovnyj, A. A., Perepelitsa, V. K. (2014)
| Metallophysics and advanced technologies / Issue (2014, 36 (11))
Rudenko E. M., Korotash I. V., Krakovnyj A. A., Perepelitsa V. K. Josephson p-Contact in the MoRe—Ni2MnGa—I—Pb/Sn Structure
Cite: Rudenko, E. M., Korotash, I. V., Krakovnyj, A. A., Perepelitsa, V. K. (2014). Josephson p-Contact in the MoRe—Ni2MnGa—I—Pb/Sn Structure. Metallophysics and advanced technologies, 36 (11), 1465-1472. [In Russian]. |