Determination of Forces under Hydroexplosion in a Restricted Environment. Part 1. Calculation of Forces Caused by the Action of Shock Waves / Neveshkin, Ju. A., Ostapchuk, V. V., Solomjanyj, A. U. (2015)
| Metallophysics and advanced technologies / Issue (2015, 37 (2))
Neveshkin Ju. A., Ostapchuk V. V., Solomjanyj A. U. Determination of Forces under Hydroexplosion in a Restricted Environment. Part 1. Calculation of Forces Caused by the Action of Shock Waves
Cite: Neveshkin, Ju. A., Ostapchuk, V. V., Solomjanyj, A. U. (2015). Determination of Forces under Hydroexplosion in a Restricted Environment. Part 1. Calculation of Forces Caused by the Action of Shock Waves. Metallophysics and advanced technologies, 37 (2), 221-231. [In Russian]. |