Ejdos / Issue (2014-2015, 8)
Andrieiev V. The patography as a genre of the biographical research: "Klinicheskiy Arkhiv Genialnosti i Odarennosti (Evropatologii) |Clinical Archive of Genius and Talent (of Europathology)|" magazine (1925–1930)
Cite: Andrieiev, V. (2014-2015). The patography as a genre of the biographical research: "Klinicheskiy Arkhiv Genialnosti i Odarennosti (Evropatologii) |Clinical Archive of Genius and Talent (of Europathology)|" magazine (1925–1930). Ejdos, 8, 85-94. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000586301 [In Ukrainian]. |