The variability of intragenic microsatellite repeats of α-, β and ω-gliadins in wheat introgressive lines / Mykhailyk, S. Yu., Martynenko, V. S., Antoniuk, M. Z. (2016)
| Factors in experimental evolution of organisms / Issue (2016, 19)
Mykhailyk S. Yu., Martynenko V. S., Antoniuk M. Z. The variability of intragenic microsatellite repeats of α-, β and ω-gliadins in wheat introgressive lines
Cite: Mykhailyk, S. Yu., Martynenko, V. S., Antoniuk, M. Z. (2016). The variability of intragenic microsatellite repeats of α-, β and ω-gliadins in wheat introgressive lines. Factors in experimental evolution of organisms, 19, 33-37. [In Ukrainian]. |