Analysis of the transgenes inheritance in the genetically modified wheat plants with proline metabolism genes / Dubrovna, O. V., Bavol, A. V., Voronova, S. S., Honcharuk, O. M. (2016)
| Factors in experimental evolution of organisms / Issue (2016, 19)
Dubrovna O. V., Bavol A. V., Voronova S. S., Honcharuk O. M. Analysis of the transgenes inheritance in the genetically modified wheat plants with proline metabolism genes
Cite: Dubrovna, O. V., Bavol, A. V., Voronova, S. S., Honcharuk, O. M. (2016). Analysis of the transgenes inheritance in the genetically modified wheat plants with proline metabolism genes. Factors in experimental evolution of organisms, 19, 125-129. [In Ukrainian]. |