Traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves in the military — the participants of the antiterrorist operation / Teshchuk, V. Y., Teshchuk, N. V., Dobrenko, M. V. (2016)
| Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology / Issue (2016, 1)
Teshchuk V. Y., Teshchuk N. V., Dobrenko M. V. Traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves in the military — the participants of the antiterrorist operation
Cite: Teshchuk, V. Y., Teshchuk, N. V., Dobrenko, M. V. (2016). Traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves in the military — the participants of the antiterrorist operation. Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology, 1, 45-52. [In Ukrainian]. |