Assessment of potential artificial increasing of precipitation by weather modification in the northern Black Sea region during cold part of the year (on example, Kherson region) / Nosar, S. V., Stepura, Ye. A. (2016)

English  Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu   /     Issue (2016, 269)

Nosar S. V., Stepura Ye. A.
Assessment of potential artificial increasing of precipitation by weather modification in the northern Black Sea region during cold part of the year (on example, Kherson region)

Nosar, S. V., Stepura, Ye. A. (2016). Assessment of potential artificial increasing of precipitation by weather modification in the northern Black Sea region during cold part of the year (on example, Kherson region). Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu, 269, 27-40. [In Ukrainian].


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