The content and coexisting forms of metals in the system Opechen' lakes (Kiev City) / Zhezheria, V. A., Lynnyk, P. M., Zubenko, I. B. (2016)
| Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu / Issue (2016, 269)
Zhezheria V. A., Lynnyk P. M., Zubenko I. B. The content and coexisting forms of metals in the system Opechen' lakes (Kiev City)
Cite: Zhezheria, V. A., Lynnyk, P. M., Zubenko, I. B. (2016). The content and coexisting forms of metals in the system Opechen' lakes (Kiev City). Naukovi pratsi Ukrainskoho naukovo-doslidnoho hidrometeorolohichnoho instytutu, 269, 70-86. [In Ukrainian]. |