Features of formation and regeneration of natural oak forest stands of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine / Rumiantsev, M. H., Solodovnyk, V. A., Chyhrynets, V. P., Lunachevskyi, L. S., Kobets, O. V. (2016)
| Forestry and Forest Melioration / Issue (2016, 128)
Rumiantsev M. H., Solodovnyk V. A., Chyhrynets V. P., Lunachevskyi L. S., Kobets O. V. Features of formation and regeneration of natural oak forest stands of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Cite: Rumiantsev, M. H., Solodovnyk, V. A., Chyhrynets, V. P., Lunachevskyi, L. S., Kobets, O. V. (2016). Features of formation and regeneration of natural oak forest stands of the Left-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Forestry and Forest Melioration, 128, 63-73. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000692018 [In Ukrainian]. |