The effect of rotor orientation system parameters with a spring-loaded tail constructive scheme over static characteristics of the wind turbine / Holovko, V. M., Kokhanievych, V. P., Shykhailov, M. O., Marchenko, N. V. (2015)
| Vidnovluvana energetika / Issue (2015, 3)
Holovko V. M., Kokhanievych V. P., Shykhailov M. O., Marchenko N. V. The effect of rotor orientation system parameters with a spring-loaded tail constructive scheme over static characteristics of the wind turbine
Cite: Holovko, V. M., Kokhanievych, V. P., Shykhailov, M. O., Marchenko, N. V. (2015). The effect of rotor orientation system parameters with a spring-loaded tail constructive scheme over static characteristics of the wind turbine. Vidnovluvana energetika, 3, 30-39. [In Ukrainian]. |