Thermoluminescence from silicon quantum dots in the two traps–one recombination center model / Gemechu, N., Senbeta, T., Mesfin, B., Malnev, V. N. (2017)
web address of the page Ukrainian journal of physics А - 2018 / Issue (2017, Vol. 62, № 2)
Gemechu N., Senbeta T., Mesfin B., Mal'nev V. N. Thermoluminescence from silicon quantum dots in the two traps–one recombination center model
Cite: Gemechu, N., Senbeta, T., Mesfin, B., Malnev, V. N. (2017). Thermoluminescence from silicon quantum dots in the two traps–one recombination center model. Ukrainian journal of physics, 62 (2), 140-145. |