IRAP-analysis of genetically modified wheat plants obtanied by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in vitro / Dubrovna, O. V., Horncharuk, O. M., Velykozhon, L. H. (2017)
| Plant Physiology and Genetics / Issue (2017, 49 (2))
Dubrovna O. V., Horncharuk O. M., Velykozhon L. H. IRAP-analysis of genetically modified wheat plants obtanied by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in vitro
Cite: Dubrovna, O. V., Horncharuk, O. M., Velykozhon, L. H. (2017). IRAP-analysis of genetically modified wheat plants obtanied by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in vitro. Plant Physiology and Genetics, 49 (2), 110-120. [In Ukrainian]. |