Experimental Evaluation of the Manufacture of Solid Biofuels from Composites Based on Vegetable Waste / Klymenko, V. V., Kravchenko, V. I., Lychuk, M. V., Soldatenko, V. P. (2016)
| Energy Technologies and Resource Saving / Issue (2016, 3)
Klymenko V. V., Kravchenko V. I., Lychuk M. V., Soldatenko V. P. Experimental Evaluation of the Manufacture of Solid Biofuels from Composites Based on Vegetable Waste
Cite: Klymenko, V. V., Kravchenko, V. I., Lychuk, M. V., Soldatenko, V. P. (2016). Experimental Evaluation of the Manufacture of Solid Biofuels from Composites Based on Vegetable Waste. Energy Technologies and Resource Saving, 3, 18-24. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000727731 [In Ukrainian]. |