Definition of Principal Characteristics of Gas Mixtures Combustion. 3. Burning Velocity of Natural Gas with Humidified Oxidant / Soroka, B. S., Zgurskij, V. A., Vorobev, N. V. (2011)
| Energy Technologies and Resource Saving / Issue (2011, 3)
Soroka B. S., Zgurskij V. A., Vorobev N. V. Definition of Principal Characteristics of Gas Mixtures Combustion. 3. Burning Velocity of Natural Gas with Humidified Oxidant
Cite: Soroka, B. S., Zgurskij, V. A., Vorobev, N. V. (2011). Definition of Principal Characteristics of Gas Mixtures Combustion. 3. Burning Velocity of Natural Gas with Humidified Oxidant. Energy Technologies and Resource Saving, 3, 3-15. [In Russian]. |