Reservoirs and Ground Surface under Emergency Oil and Petroleum Products Spills Clearing by Thermal Expanded Graphite Basis Sorbent / Dmitriev, V. M., Kozhan, A. P., Rjabchuk, V. S., Bondarenko, O. B., Khokhulja, I. M. (2011)
| Energy Technologies and Resource Saving / Issue (2011, 2)
Dmitriev V. M., Kozhan A. P., Rjabchuk V. S., Bondarenko O. B., Khokhulja I. M. Reservoirs and Ground Surface under Emergency Oil and Petroleum Products Spills Clearing by Thermal Expanded Graphite Basis Sorbent
Cite: Dmitriev, V. M., Kozhan, A. P., Rjabchuk, V. S., Bondarenko, O. B., Khokhulja, I. M. (2011). Reservoirs and Ground Surface under Emergency Oil and Petroleum Products Spills Clearing by Thermal Expanded Graphite Basis Sorbent. Energy Technologies and Resource Saving, 2, 55-63. [In Russian]. |