Nuclear Security: A Synonym of Physical Protection or A Component of Nuclear and Radiation Safety? / Kuzmiak, I. Ya., Kravtsov, V. I., Pecherytsia, O. V., Pasieka, O. V. (2017)
| Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Scientific and technical journa) / Issue (2017, 2)
Kuzmiak I. Ya., Kravtsov V. I., Pecherytsia O. V., Pasieka O. V. Nuclear Security: A Synonym of Physical Protection or A Component of Nuclear and Radiation Safety?
Cite: Kuzmiak, I. Ya., Kravtsov, V. I., Pecherytsia, O. V., Pasieka, O. V. (2017). Nuclear Security: A Synonym of Physical Protection or A Component of Nuclear and Radiation Safety?. Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Scientific and technical journa), 2, 51-59. [In Ukrainian]. |