Characteristics of biology and resettlement factors of the genus Darevskia (Reptilia, Lacertidae) parthenogenetic rock lizards, introduced into the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine / Dotsenko, I. B., Melnichenko, R. K., Demidova, M. I. (2016)
| Zbirnyk prats Zoolohichnoho muzeiu / Issue (2016, 47)
Dotsenko I. B., Melnichenko R. K., Demidova M. I. Characteristics of biology and resettlement factors of the genus Darevskia (Reptilia, Lacertidae) parthenogenetic rock lizards, introduced into the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine
Cite: Dotsenko, I. B., Melnichenko, R. K., Demidova, M. I. (2016). Characteristics of biology and resettlement factors of the genus Darevskia (Reptilia, Lacertidae) parthenogenetic rock lizards, introduced into the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine. Zbirnyk prats Zoolohichnoho muzeiu, 47, 41-51. [In Russian]. |