Dichotomy on half-axes, and bounded on the whole axis solutions of linear systems with delay / Bojchuk, A. A., Zhuravlev, V. F. (2015)
| Nonlinear oscillations / Issue (2015, 18 (4))
Bojchuk A. A., Zhuravlev V. F. Dichotomy on half-axes, and bounded on the whole axis solutions of linear systems with delay
Cite: Bojchuk, A. A., Zhuravlev, V. F. (2015). Dichotomy on half-axes, and bounded on the whole axis solutions of linear systems with delay. Nonlinear oscillations, 18 (4), 431-445. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000775163 [In Russian]. |