Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles / Kovalchuk, O. V., Studenyak, I. P., Izai, V. Yu., Rybak, S. O., Pogodin, A. I., Kopčanský, P., Timko, M., Gdovinova, V., Mariano, J., Kovalchuk, T. M. (2017)
web address of the page Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics А - 2019 / Issue (2017, Vol. 20, № 4)
Kovalchuk O. V., Studenyak I. P., Izai V. Yu., Rybak S. O., Pogodin A. I., Kopčanský P., Timko M., Gdovinova V., Mariano J., Kovalchuk T. M. Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles
Cite: Kovalchuk, O. V., Studenyak, I. P., Izai, V. Yu., Rybak, S. O., Pogodin, A. I., Kopčanský, P., Timko, M., Gdovinova, V., Mariano, J., Kovalchuk, T. M. (2017). Saturation effect for dependence of the electrical conductivity of planar oriented nematic liquid crystal 6CB on the concentration of Cu7PS6 nanoparticles. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics , 20 (4), 437-441. |