Features of the phase-structural transformations during tempering of the low-alloyed steels for hot working dies / Bobyr, S. V., Levchenko, G. V., Djomina, E. G., Pljuta, V. L., Loshkarjov, D. V. (2012)
| Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy / Issue (2012, 26)
Bobyr S. V., Levchenko G. V., Djomina E. G., Pljuta V. L., Loshkarjov D. V. Features of the phase-structural transformations during tempering of the low-alloyed steels for hot working dies
Cite: Bobyr, S. V., Levchenko, G. V., Djomina, E. G., Pljuta, V. L., Loshkarjov, D. V. (2012). Features of the phase-structural transformations during tempering of the low-alloyed steels for hot working dies. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy, 26, 209-217. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000839510 [In Russian]. |