The main directions of research and experimental development on section rolling and metalware industries in the department of metal forming / Vorobej, S. A., Razdobreev, V. G., Lokhmatov, A. P. (2014)
| Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy / Issue (2014, 29)
Vorobej S. A., Razdobreev V. G., Lokhmatov A. P. The main directions of research and experimental development on section rolling and metalware industries in the department of metal forming
Cite: Vorobej, S. A., Razdobreev, V. G., Lokhmatov, A. P. (2014). The main directions of research and experimental development on section rolling and metalware industries in the department of metal forming. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy, 29, 311-321. [In Russian]. |