"History of the Khazars" (unpublished fragments) / Compl. by O. Bubenok, O. O. Khamray and V. Chernoivanenko / Krymskyi, A. Yu. (2018)
| The World of the Orient / Issue (2018, 1)
Krymskyi A. Yu. "History of the Khazars" (unpublished fragments) / Compl. by O. Bubenok, O. O. Khamray and V. Chernoivanenko
Cite: Krymskyi, A. Yu. (2018). "History of the Khazars" (unpublished fragments) / Compl. by O. Bubenok, O. O. Khamray and V. Chernoivanenko. The World of the Orient , 1, 127-144. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000858631 [In Ukrainian]. |