Depending dose-effect ethyl ester of ibuprofen in the study of anti-inflammatory / Prystupa, B. V., Haizel, M. V., Kravchenko, I. A. (2017)
| Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology / Issue (2017, 3)
Prystupa B. V., Haizel M. V., Kravchenko I. A. Depending dose-effect ethyl ester of ibuprofen in the study of anti-inflammatory
Cite: Prystupa, B. V., Haizel, M. V., Kravchenko, I. A. (2017). Depending dose-effect ethyl ester of ibuprofen in the study of anti-inflammatory. Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology, 3, 129-132. [In Ukrainian]. |