Relative radiosensitivity of Arabidopsis thaliana Atmsh2 SALK_002708 mutant in the sublethal dose range of radiation / Litvinov, S. V., Rashydov, N. M. (2018)
| Nuclear physics and atomic energy / Issue (2018, 19 (2))
Litvinov S. V., Rashydov N. M. Relative radiosensitivity of Arabidopsis thaliana Atmsh2 SALK_002708 mutant in the sublethal dose range of radiation
Cite: Litvinov, S. V., Rashydov, N. M. (2018). Relative radiosensitivity of Arabidopsis thaliana Atmsh2 SALK_002708 mutant in the sublethal dose range of radiation. Nuclear physics and atomic energy, 19 (2), 145-149. [In Ukrainian]. |