Influence of various factors on the antiradical activity of Panax ginseng S. A. Meyer extracts / Reshetnikov, V. N., Shutova, A. G., Shish, S. N., Gil, T. V. (2018)
| Factors in experimental evolution of organisms / Issue (2018, 23)
Reshetnikov V. N., Shutova A. G., Shish S. N., Gil T. V. Influence of various factors on the antiradical activity of Panax ginseng S. A. Meyer extracts
Cite: Reshetnikov, V. N., Shutova, A. G., Shish, S. N., Gil, T. V. (2018). Influence of various factors on the antiradical activity of Panax ginseng S. A. Meyer extracts. Factors in experimental evolution of organisms, 23, 329-333. [In Russian]. |