Features of temperature field distribution on the surface of photovoltaic and photothermal modules under various heat withdrawal terms / Rieztsov, V. F., Kuchynskyi, V. P., Surzhyk, O. M., Kokoshyn, S. S. (2014)
| Vidnovluvana energetika / Issue (2014, 4)
Rieztsov V. F., Kuchynskyi V. P., Surzhyk O. M., Kokoshyn S. S. Features of temperature field distribution on the surface of photovoltaic and photothermal modules under various heat withdrawal terms
Cite: Rieztsov, V. F., Kuchynskyi, V. P., Surzhyk, O. M., Kokoshyn, S. S. (2014). Features of temperature field distribution on the surface of photovoltaic and photothermal modules under various heat withdrawal terms. Vidnovluvana energetika, 4, 46-49. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000957976 [In Ukrainian]. |