Ontological representation of the ranking alternatives task / Horborukov, V. V., Stryzhak, O. Ye., Franchuk, O. V., Shapovalov, V. B. (2018)
| Mathematical modelling in economy / Issue (2018, 4)
Horborukov V. V., Stryzhak O. Ye., Franchuk O. V., Shapovalov V. B. Ontological representation of the ranking alternatives task
Cite: Horborukov, V. V., Stryzhak, O. Ye., Franchuk, O. V., Shapovalov, V. B. (2018). Ontological representation of the ranking alternatives task. Mathematical modelling in economy, 4, 49-69. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000962272 [In Ukrainian]. |