Calculative assessment of the quantity of rehabilitators for realization of the process of interaction of calcium oxide with ceronic sulfur / Manachin, I. A., Shevchenko, A. F., Petrusha, V. P., Rudenko, A. L. (2018)
| Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy / Issue (2018, 32)
Manachin I. A., Shevchenko A. F., Petrusha V. P., Rudenko A. L. Calculative assessment of the quantity of rehabilitators for realization of the process of interaction of calcium oxide with ceronic sulfur
Cite: Manachin, I. A., Shevchenko, A. F., Petrusha, V. P., Rudenko, A. L. (2018). Calculative assessment of the quantity of rehabilitators for realization of the process of interaction of calcium oxide with ceronic sulfur. Fundamental and applied problems of ferrous metallurgy, 32, 176-181. [In Russian]. |