Perspectives of Optimization of Technical Services and Maintenances Using RiskInformed DecisionMaking at NPPs in Ukraine / Humeniuk, D. V., Demianiuk, V. V., Ilina, A. I., Shevchenko, I. A. (2019)
| Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Scientific and technical journa) / Issue (2019, 1)
Humeniuk D. V., Demianiuk V. V., Ilina A. I., Shevchenko I. A. Perspectives of Optimization of Technical Services and Maintenances Using RiskInformed DecisionMaking at NPPs in Ukraine
Cite: Humeniuk, D. V., Demianiuk, V. V., Ilina, A. I., Shevchenko, I. A. (2019). Perspectives of Optimization of Technical Services and Maintenances Using RiskInformed DecisionMaking at NPPs in Ukraine. Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Scientific and technical journa), 1, 10-16. |