Influence of degree of impairment of corticospinal innervation on the change of parameters of contralateral hemisphere in patients after hemispheric ischemic stroke / Cherkasov, S. Ye. (2018)

English  Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology   /     Issue (2018, 4)

Cherkasov S. Ye.
Influence of degree of impairment of corticospinal innervation on the change of parameters of contralateral hemisphere in patients after hemispheric ischemic stroke

Cherkasov, S. Ye. (2018). Influence of degree of impairment of corticospinal innervation on the change of parameters of contralateral hemisphere in patients after hemispheric ischemic stroke. Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology, 4, 79-87. [In Ukrainian].


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