Circadian rhythms and their imbalance as one of the mecha- nisms of health disruption in modern people (review) / Hozhenko, A. I., Hryshko, Yu. M. (2018)
| Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology / Issue (2018, 4)
Hozhenko A. I., Hryshko Yu. M. Circadian rhythms and their imbalance as one of the mecha- nisms of health disruption in modern people (review)
Cite: Hozhenko, A. I., Hryshko, Yu. M. (2018). Circadian rhythms and their imbalance as one of the mecha- nisms of health disruption in modern people (review). Actual problems of transport medicine: environment, occupational health, pathology, 4, 178-190. [In Ukrainian]. |