Research of air oxigen absorbtion in the fermentation apparatus with discrete-rulse input of energy / Obodovich, A. N., Fishchenko, A. N., Sidorenko, V. V. (2016)
| Thermophysics and thermal power engineering / Issue (2016, 38 (2))
Obodovich A. N., Fishchenko A. N., Sidorenko V. V. Research of air oxigen absorbtion in the fermentation apparatus with discrete-rulse input of energy
Cite: Obodovich, A. N., Fishchenko, A. N., Sidorenko, V. V. (2016). Research of air oxigen absorbtion in the fermentation apparatus with discrete-rulse input of energy. Thermophysics and thermal power engineering, 38 (2), 33-38. [In Russian]. |