Academician V. Ya. Yuriev – a plant breeder, geneticist, and founder of breeding science of Ukraine (dedicated to the 140th birthday anniversary) / Ozherelieva, V. M., Kyrychenko, V. V., Bilynska, O. V. (2019)
| Factors in experimental evolution of organisms / Issue (2019, 24)
Ozherelieva V. M., Kyrychenko V. V., Bilynska O. V. Academician V. Ya. Yuriev – a plant breeder, geneticist, and founder of breeding science of Ukraine (dedicated to the 140th birthday anniversary)
Cite: Ozherelieva, V. M., Kyrychenko, V. V., Bilynska, O. V. (2019). Academician V. Ya. Yuriev – a plant breeder, geneticist, and founder of breeding science of Ukraine (dedicated to the 140th birthday anniversary). Factors in experimental evolution of organisms, 24, 10-19. [In Ukrainian]. |