Department of History of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies of Kamyianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiyenko National University: History, Present Time, Prospects / Nasminchuk, H. Y., Rarytskyi, O. A. (2018)
| Word and time / Issue (2018, 10)
Nasminchuk H. Y., Rarytskyi O. A. Department of History of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies of Kamyianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiyenko National University: History, Present Time, Prospects
Cite: Nasminchuk, H. Y., Rarytskyi, O. A. (2018). Department of History of Ukrainian Literature and Comparative Studies of Kamyianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiyenko National University: History, Present Time, Prospects. Word and time, 10, 25-33. [In Ukrainian]. |