History and ecclesiastical issues in Ivan Krypjakevychʼs research "Lviv Rus in the first part of XVI century" / Pedych, V. P., Telvak, V. V., Telvak, V. P. (2017)
| History of Religions in Ukraine / Issue (2017, 27(2))
Pedych V. P., Telvak V. V., Telvak V. P. History and ecclesiastical issues in Ivan Krypjakevychʼs research "Lviv Rus in the first part of XVI century"
Cite: Pedych, V. P., Telvak, V. V., Telvak, V. P. (2017). History and ecclesiastical issues in Ivan Krypjakevychʼs research "Lviv Rus in the first part of XVI century". History of Religions in Ukraine, 27(2), 316-326. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001094825 [In Ukrainian]. |