Estimation of risk of water or silting pulp inrush into the mine workings as a technogeneous emergency / Bulat, A. F., Bunko, T. V., Yashchenko, I. O., Kokoulin, I. Ye. (2018)
| Geo-Technical Mechanics / Issue (2018, 143)
Bulat A. F., Bunko T. V., Yashchenko I. O., Kokoulin I. Ye. Estimation of risk of water or silting pulp inrush into the mine workings as a technogeneous emergency
Cite: Bulat, A. F., Bunko, T. V., Yashchenko, I. O., Kokoulin, I. Ye. (2018). Estimation of risk of water or silting pulp inrush into the mine workings as a technogeneous emergency. Geo-Technical Mechanics, 143, 3-10. [In Ukrainian]. |