Multilevel Structural Models of Scenarios for Development of Entities in the Agricultural Sector of the International Trade Market under Risk / Shapran, Ye. M., Serhiienko, O. A., Sosnov, I. I. (2019)
| The problems of economy / Issue (2019, 4)
Shapran Ye. M., Serhiienko O. A., Sosnov I. I. Multilevel Structural Models of Scenarios for Development of Entities in the Agricultural Sector of the International Trade Market under Risk
Cite: Shapran, Ye. M., Serhiienko, O. A., Sosnov, I. I. (2019). Multilevel Structural Models of Scenarios for Development of Entities in the Agricultural Sector of the International Trade Market under Risk. The problems of economy, 4, 293-305. [In Ukrainian]. |