Magneto-optical properties of nanocomposites (Co41Fe39B20)x(SiO2)100-x / Lysiuk, V. O., Rozouvan, S. G., Staschuk, V. S., Stukalenko, V. V. (2020)
web address of the page Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics А - 2019 / Issue (2020, Vol. 23, № 2)
Lysiuk V. O., Rozouvan S. G., Staschuk V. S., Stukalenko V. V. Magneto-optical properties of nanocomposites (Co41Fe39B20)x(SiO2)100-x
Cite: Lysiuk, V. O., Rozouvan, S. G., Staschuk, V. S., Stukalenko, V. V. (2020). Magneto-optical properties of nanocomposites (Co41Fe39B20)x(SiO2)100-x. Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics , 23 (2), 180-185. |