Synthesis, characterization and antiradiation properties of the tryptophanates of cobalt (II), manganese (II), copper (II) and zinc / Shamilov, E. N., Abdullaev, A. S., Farajov, M. M., Shamilli, V. E., Gahramanova, Sh. I., Jalaladdinov, F. F. (2020)
web address of the page Factors in experimental evolution of organisms Б - 2020 / Issue (2020, Т. 26)
Shamilov E. N., Abdullaev A. S., Farajov M. M., Shamilli V. E., Gahramanova Sh. I., Jalaladdinov F. F. Synthesis, characterization and antiradiation properties of the tryptophanates of cobalt (II), manganese (II), copper (II) and zinc
Cite: Shamilov, E. N., Abdullaev, A. S., Farajov, M. M., Shamilli, V. E., Gahramanova, Sh. I., Jalaladdinov, F. F. (2020). Synthesis, characterization and antiradiation properties of the tryptophanates of cobalt (II), manganese (II), copper (II) and zinc. Factors in experimental evolution of organisms, 26, 154-157. |