Level of polymorphism and population differentiation of Iris pumila L. according to three types of PCR-markers / Bublyk, O. M., Parnikoza, I. Yu., Kunakh, V. A. (2021)
| Cytology and genetics / Issue (2021, 55 (1))
Bublyk O. M., Parnikoza I. Yu., Kunakh V. A. Level of polymorphism and population differentiation of Iris pumila L. according to three types of PCR-markers
Cite: Bublyk, O. M., Parnikoza, I. Yu., Kunakh, V. A. (2021). Level of polymorphism and population differentiation of Iris pumila L. according to three types of PCR-markers. Cytology and genetics, 55 (1), 42-54. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001205810 [In Ukrainian]. |