Substantiating the Recommendations for the State Financing of Innovative Economic Development / Dymchenko, O. V., Yesina, V. O., Rudachenko, O. O., Tararuiev, Yu. O. (2021)
| Business Inform / Issue (2021, 11)
Dymchenko O. V., Yesina V. O., Rudachenko O. O., Tararuiev Yu. O. Substantiating the Recommendations for the State Financing of Innovative Economic Development
Cite: Dymchenko, O. V., Yesina, V. O., Rudachenko, O. O., Tararuiev, Yu. O. (2021). Substantiating the Recommendations for the State Financing of Innovative Economic Development. Business Inform, 11, 90-96. [In Ukrainian]. |