Technological and operating features of the AR-1000 reactors Generation III+ and small modular reactors MR-160 / Vashchenko, V. M., Korduba, I. B., Zhukova, O. H. (2021)
| Environmental safety and natural resources / Issue (2021, 4)
Vashchenko V. M., Korduba I. B., Zhukova O. H. Technological and operating features of the AR-1000 reactors Generation III+ and small modular reactors MR-160
Cite: Vashchenko, V. M., Korduba, I. B., Zhukova, O. H. (2021). Technological and operating features of the AR-1000 reactors Generation III+ and small modular reactors MR-160. Environmental safety and natural resources, 4, 149-156. [In Ukrainian]. |