Assessment of economic effectiveness of electroslag technologies, using consumable electrode and liquid metal / Stovpchenko, H. P., Polishko, H. O., Kolomiiets, D. V., Medovar, L. B. (2022)
| Electrometallurgy Today / Issue (2022, 4)
Stovpchenko H. P., Polishko H. O., Kolomiiets D. V., Medovar L. B. Assessment of economic effectiveness of electroslag technologies, using consumable electrode and liquid metal
Cite: Stovpchenko, H. P., Polishko, H. O., Kolomiiets, D. V., Medovar, L. B. (2022). Assessment of economic effectiveness of electroslag technologies, using consumable electrode and liquid metal. Electrometallurgy Today, 4, 20-26. [In Ukrainian]. |