Object Detection in the Image Recognition Process Using Transformers / Myroniuk, D. M., Blahitko, B. Ya., Zaiachuk, I. M. (2022)
| Mathematical and computer modelling. Series: Technical sciences / Issue (2022, 23)
Myroniuk D. M., Blahitko B. Ya., Zaiachuk I. M. Object Detection in the Image Recognition Process Using Transformers
Cite: Myroniuk, D. M., Blahitko, B. Ya., Zaiachuk, I. M. (2022). Object Detection in the Image Recognition Process Using Transformers. Mathematical and computer modelling. Series: Technical sciences, 23, 83-90. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001384247 [In Ukrainian]. |