Methods to prevent the stress shielding effect in implant-body system (Review) / Moltasov, A. V., Voinarovych, S. H., Dyman, M. M., Kaliuzhnyi, S. M., Burburska, S. V. (2023)
| Automatic Welding / Issue (2023, 1)
Moltasov A. V., Voinarovych S. H., Dyman M. M., Kaliuzhnyi S. M., Burburska S. V. Methods to prevent the stress shielding effect in implant-body system (Review)
Cite: Moltasov, A. V., Voinarovych, S. H., Dyman, M. M., Kaliuzhnyi, S. M., Burburska, S. V. (2023). Methods to prevent the stress shielding effect in implant-body system (Review). Automatic Welding, 1, 38-46. [In Ukrainian]. |