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Ukrainian journal of physics
А - 2018 /
Issue (2022, Vol. 67, № 11)
Singh R., Bala R., Sambyal S. S.
Centrality and transverse spherocity dependent study of charged-particle production in Xe–Xe collisions at sqrt =5.44 TeV using PYTHIA8 angantyr and AMPT models
Singh, R., Bala, R., Sambyal, S. S. (2022). Centrality and transverse spherocity dependent study of charged-particle production in Xe–Xe collisions at sqrt =5.44 TeV using PYTHIA8 angantyr and AMPT models. Ukrainian journal of physics, 67 (11), 765-775. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001388418