Robust control of low-cost direct drives based on interior permanent magnet synchronous motors / Peresada, S. M., Rodkin, D. I., Nikonenko, Y. O., Kovbasa, S. M., Polischuk, V. V. (2023)
web address of the page Technical Electrodynamics А - 2018 / Issue (2023, № 2)
Peresada S. M., Rodkin D. I., Nikonenko Y. O., Kovbasa S. M., Polischuk V. V. Robust control of low-cost direct drives based on interior permanent magnet synchronous motors
Cite: Peresada, S. M., Rodkin, D. I., Nikonenko, Y. O., Kovbasa, S. M., Polischuk, V. V. (2023). Robust control of low-cost direct drives based on interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. Technical Electrodynamics, 2, 37-44. |