Fedir Danylovych of Ostroh: rus' duke, descendant of the Romanovychi dynasty and hussian hetman in the Czech / Kozak, S. Ya. (2022)
| Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood / Issue (2022, 36)
Kozak S. Ya. Fedir Danylovych of Ostroh: rus' duke, descendant of the Romanovychi dynasty and hussian hetman in the Czech
Cite: Kozak, S. Ya. (2022). Fedir Danylovych of Ostroh: rus' duke, descendant of the Romanovychi dynasty and hussian hetman in the Czech. Ukraine: Cultural Heritage, National Identity, Statehood , 36, 14-27. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001393200 [In Ukrainian]. |