Description of energy levels and decay properties in 158Gd nucleus / Radhi F. Sh., Kassim H. H., Al-Jubbori M. A., Hossain I., Sharrad F. I., Aldahan N., Abdullah H. Y. (2023)
web address of the page Nuclear physics and atomic energy А - 2018 / Issue (2023, Т. 24, № 3)
Radhi F. Sh., Kassim H. H., Al-Jubbori M. A., Hossain I., Sharrad F. I., Aldahan N., Abdullah H. Y. Description of energy levels and decay properties in 158Gd nucleus
Cite: Radhi, F. Sh., Kassim, H. H., Al-Jubbori, M. A., Hossain, I., Sharrad, F. I., Aldahan, N., Abdullah, H. Y. (2023). Nuclear physics and atomic energy, 24 (3), 209-218 |