Biotechnologia Acta. 2017, 10 (6) ARCHIVE (All issues) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2017. Issue 10 (6) |
- Title.
- Technologies of brain images processing.
- Kharkova A. P., Garmash Y. A., Hnatiuk O. S., Luzina O. Y., Danilovskyi S. V., Kuznetsova A. Y., Minchenko O. H. Glutamine deprivation effect on DEK, TPD52, BRCA1, ADGRE5, LIF, GNPDA1, and COL6A1 gene expressions in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells.
- Wastewater components effect on metachromasia reaction of volutin granules in vitro.
- Effect of silver nanoparticles on the physic-chemical properties of plant oils and their antimicrobial activity.
- Stimulation of growth of species of the fungus of the genus Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm. at a glucose nutrition.
- Levchyck N. Ya., Liubinska A. V., Skrypchenko N. V., Dziuba O. I., Kachalova N. M., Mironov O. L. Biological activity of aqveous solution of amber.
- Optimization of hydrolysis conditions of wheat straw by enzyme preparation from Fennellia sp. 2806.